What We’re Up To:
CUcontent Launches Bingo Game for Subscribers
By Donna Adinolfe
Whether you’re working from home or you’re back in the office, your day will be more exciting than the gossip around the water cooler (or Zoom meeting) with CUcontent’s new BINGO game, created exclusively for CUcontent subscribers.
Check your snail mail for our glossy, laminated BINGO card and start checking off boxes after using each type of content. Complete a row in any direction, post a photo of your card (or you and your card, or your coworker and your card or your kid, cat, or cousin with your card) on Facebook and tag us (@CUcontent). When you do, you’ll receive your choice of one of three $20 gift cards!
Remember, the game is for subscribers only, so if you don’t want to be left out of the fun, schedule a VIP tour on our website, cucontent.com, and become a CUcontent subscriber.
Just one thing … don’t wake the baby (or your co-workers) by yelling, “Bingo!” too loudly!