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CUcontent to Produce Film Featuring Credit Unions as Hero
By Donna Adinolfe
Credit unions are one of America’s best-kept secrets, and during the COVID-19 pandemic, our favorite member-owned financial institutions have become heroes despite a time of high uncertainty.
To let America in on the secret, CUcontent’s publisher Laura Enock has teamed with screenwriter/producer Kate Queen; executive producer/director of over 48 feature films James Cullen Bressack, and Gato Scatena, executive producer/owner at SNR Films, to create a new movie featuring credit unions as the hero.
“Sally Floss” is a unique film because it is already greenlit, thanks to a contained story with a high-concept premise and taking place with adherence to the film industry and SAG agency’s strict social-distancing measures. It is being filmed without a crew through use of webcams, found footage, the Zoom platform, and screen grabs. Buyers are already expressing interest in purchasing the film, as streaming services are running low on content due to the industry shutdown in March.
“This is a fresh, groundbreaking way to highlight credit unions as the heroes they are, as well as interject financial literacy in a subtle way,” says Enock. “When people are being entertained, the info they pick up by osmosis is painless, and they retain it. As a former teacher, I am beyond excited about the potential success of this project to impart financial wellness info in a way that will be absorbed and implemented, while highlighting credit unions and the good they do for Americans. This is so much more powerful than any ad campaign.”
Want to have a part in Sally Floss? Check out cucontent.com/movie.